This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/HuggiesⓇ. The opinions are entirely my own based on my experience.

Do you know anyone in the world who would tell you that their favorite part of being a parent is changing diapers? Haha, I didn’t think so. It’s not exactly the most pleasant part of being a parent but since it’s something we all have to do, we can at least try to make the process a little easier.
After close to five years of changing diapers, I’m excited to partner with HuggiesⓇ to offer two important tips to new parents:
1.) Use quality diapers (trust me on this one!)
2.) Work smarter not harder by learning a few diaper hacks that can save you time, and make those extra messy situations a little easier.
Recently, we tried the new Huggies® Special Delivery™ diapers and we love them so much! They are super soft, much softer than any other diaper I’ve tried. Most importantly though, they work. They have awesome protection and we haven’t had any accidents, even when this little one is trying to tackle her big sister.

And, if you’re like me and you’re extra-conscious about the products you use on your baby, then you’ll be happy to know that the new Huggies® Special Delivery ™ diapers use plant-based* materials, are hypoallergenic and have zero:
- parabens
- fragrances
- harsh chemicals
They also come in a ton of different cute designs! It’s fun to open the cute box to see which ones you get. 🙂

You can find them on the end-aisle display at your local Walmart or by shopping here.
1.) The Yellow Line Will Be Your Best Friend.
What is a wetness indicator? I had no clue what that was at first.
Well, it’s the yellow line that runs down the middle of the diaper. When the diaper is wet, it changes to blue. I’ve been changing diapers for close to five years now and I still rely on this. It’s much easier to check that, than to peek in the diaper or lift them up for a sniff test.
Just keep an eye on that yellow line and you’ll know when your baby needs a diaper change.
*Tip: The line will turn color at the smallest amount of moisture. The more the line changes color all the way around, the closer you are to needing to change them. You don’t have to change them at the first sight of blue or else you’ll be flying through those awesome diapers!
2.) What Changing Table?
Forget the fancy changing table because you will barely use it. This seemed to be a common theme with most moms that I talked to before my first daughter was born. That, combined with the fact that we were living in a tiny apartment, meant that we never bought a changing table – and I’m so glad we didn’t.
Most diaper bags that you buy include at least one plastic, easy-to-clean changing pad. You can also buy them on their own for less than ten bucks. That’s all I’ve used with both our girls and it works great. I can change them on the couch, the floor, wherever. I just stick the mat under them and we’re good to go.

3.) When baby is still a newborn, fold down the front side of the diaper to keep it from rubbing the umbilical cord.

I’m not sure why I never picked up on this with my first daughter. I actually didn’t realize this trick until my second daughter came along. It’s important to keep the umbilical cord area as clean as possible, so folding down the diaper also keeps any “mess” further away from the area.
4.) Forget the fancy diaper disposal.
I bought one with my first daughter but we stopped using it almost immediately. First, the refills were expensive. Second, it was kind of a pain to empty.
All you really need are some plastic bags, preferably scented ones because they really do help mask the odor. Just toss the dirty diaper in a bag, tie it off and throw it away. Just stay on top of emptying the trash and you shouldn’t have a problem with odor.
Bottom line, it’s much easier and cheaper for me to just toss them in a bag.
5.) When those blowout situations happen, roll down the onesie instead of lifting it over the baby’s head.
A lot of you guys may know this one already. However, if you’re like me and you’re a new parent reading a post just like this one, you might be learning this amazing little secret for the first time.
Those folds at the top of the onesie actually have a purpose. In those especially messy situations, simply roll the sleeves down at the shoulders and pull the onesie off by sliding it down your little one, instead of over their head. Such a good idea right?!
These are some of the most common diaper hacks I’ve been using as a mama of two. Is there any you use that I missed? Let me know in the comments!
*23% by weight