Meghan, Mother of Two and Expert on Family Recipes

Hi, I’m Meghan, the mom behind Electric Mommy! Hoping to be your new BFF in the kitchen. 🙂

For the past ten years, I’ve studied the world of food and nutrition, constantly learning and experimenting in the kitchen. This journey began not just out of a curiosity for cooking, but as a mission to provide my family with healthy meals that are not only delicious, but also wholesome.

As a mom of two little ones, I understand the daily stress and the importance of meals that are not only quick and easy, but also packed with nutrition. In the early days of learning how to cook, clear instructions were incredibly important, which is why all of mine contain the same. Once my confidence built up and I learned what I did and didn’t like, I went from reading recipes to creating them. Now, it’s my mission to bring my favorites to you!

A Note About My Recipes

I love incorporating lots of fresh vegetables into my recipes whenever possible to boost nutritional value. However, I understand that everyone has different tastes, so feel free to leave out any vegetables you don’t like—you can still enjoy the rest of the dish!

Preparing vegetables can also be time-consuming, but you can always save time by washing and cutting them in advance. Just store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator until you’re ready to use them.

One more tip: be sure to check the serving size on my recipes. I tend to cook larger portions because I enjoy having leftovers for the next day—it gives me a break in the kitchen! If you’re only cooking for one or two, you can easily halve the recipes.

Mexican Inspired Recipes

My husband and his family are from Oaxaca, Mexico. Over the fifteen years that we’ve been together, we’ve traveled to Oaxaca and many other parts of Mexico numerous times. My mother-in-law, who also loves to cook, has taught me how to make several traditional dishes.

My recipes are a combination of what I’ve learned from her and the culinary experiences I’ve enjoyed during our travels throughout Mexico. I hope these recipes inspire you to bring the taste of Mexican cuisine into your own kitchen.

Thank You! (A Message About the Ads)

First, thank you for being here! I hope you enjoy exploring my recipes and find inspiration for your next meal.

You’ve probably noticed the ads on here. These ads are one of the primary sources of income for our little blog. We pour our heart and soul into creating delicious recipes with clear photos and instructions just for you. The revenue from the ads allows us to keep producing more of the content you love.

We truly appreciate your understanding and support. Thank you for being a part of our community!

If you still want to learn more about me, check out this post where I share 30 Fun Facts About Myself.

Feel free to reach out to me about anything! My email is: [email protected].

With Love,
Meghan – Electric Mommy